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FREE Japanese House Vocab Flashcards

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We made a digital flashcard deck for Japanese home design lovers to brush up on their house vocab studying.

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Japanese House Vocab [Interior Design & Architectural Terms]

The set covers the following words:
Tsuboniwa (坪庭) (つぼにわ): courtyard garden
Kyōmachiya (京町家)(きょうまちや: Kyoto traditional style house
Kominka (古民家) (こみんか): old Japanese-style house
Akiya (空き家) (あきや): vacant house; unoccupied house
Kayabuki-yane (茅葺屋根) (かばゆきやね): thatched roof
Taruki (垂木) (たるき): rafters
Kōshi Mado (格子窓) (こうしまど): latticed window
Engawa (縁側)(えんがわ): veranda
Kutsu-nugi Ishi (沓脱石) (くつぬぎいし): stepping stone
Saobuchi (竿縁) (さおぶち): ceiling battens
Ranma (欄間) (らんま): transom panel
Fusuma (襖) (ふすま): sliding partition door
Shōji (障子) (しょうじ): translucent sliding screens
Tokonoma (床の間) (とこのま): decorative alcove
Tokobashira (床柱) (とこばしら): alcove pillar
Tenbukuro (天袋) (てんぶくろ): overhead cupboard
Chigaidana (違い棚) (ちがいだな): staggered shelves
Daikoku-bashira (大黒柱) (だいこくばしら): central pillar (of a building)
Jizaikagi (自在鉤) (じざいかぎ): pothook
Irori (囲炉裏) (いろり): sunken hearth; sunken fireplace
Doma (土間) (どま): dirt floor
Shikkui (漆喰) (しっくい): plaster
Keisoudo (珪藻土) (けいそうど): diatomaceous earth wall plastering material
Tsuchikabe (土壁) (つちかべ): mud wall
Urushi (漆) (うるし): lacquer
Aizome (藍染め) (あいぞめ): indigo dye
Noren (暖簾) (のれん): entrance curtain
Yakisugi (焼杉) (やきすぎ): charred wood
Warabuki (藁葺き) (わらぶき): straw-thatched roof
Tatami (畳) (たたみ): Japanese straw floor coverings
Ikebana (生け花) (いけばな): Japanese flower arrangement
Kintsugi (金継ぎ) (きんつぎ): repairing pottery with a lacquer mixed with gold, silver, etc.
Kugi-kakushi (釘隠し) (くぎかくし): “hiding the nails”; nail-hiding ornament
Tansu (箪笥/簞笥) (たんす): chest of drawers
Zabuton (座布団) (ざぶとん): sitting cushion
Gintsugi (銀継ぎ) (ぎんつぎ): silver kintsugi
Tobeyaki (砥部焼) (とべやき): Japanese traditional porcelain
Yakimono (焼き物) (やきもの): pottery
Morutaru (モルタル): mortar walls
Bengara (弁柄) (ベンガラ): red pigment paint
Kawara (瓦) (かわら): roof tile
Kokedama (苔玉) (こけだま): moss ball plants

Other Recommended Resources

For more in-depth reading, we also love Japanese Architecture by Mira Locher.

Look at you go! 😉 Happy studying!
